RTRIM$ Function ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Returns a string with trailing (rightmost) spaces removed. Syntax RTRIM$( stringexpression$) Remarks The stringexpression$ can be any string expression. The RTRIM$ function works with both fixed- and variable-length string variables. See Also LTRIM$ Example The following example shows the effects of RTRIM$ on fixed- and variable-length strings. DIM FixStr AS STRING * 10 CLS ' Clear screen. PRINT " 1 2" PRINT "12345678901234567890" FixStr = "Twine" PRINT FixStr + "*" PRINT RTRIM$(FixStr) + "*" VarStr$ = "Braided" + SPACE$(10) PRINT VarStr$ + "*" PRINT RTRIM$(VarStr$) + "*" Output 1 2 12345678901234567890 Twine * Twine* Braided * Braided*